Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will make a star daughter
Shiloh has inherited her mother's father's eyes and lips.
Baby Shiloh will learn in acting school [photo]
Natalia Tuboltseva - 26.08.2009
Angelina and Brad are hoping that the three-year old Shiloh - the first one born (not adopted), their children will follow their footsteps. Already, they recognize that the baby is very artistic and want to see in the future, she also became an actress. Angelina has already recorded a little girl and her older sister, 5-year-old Zahara, on the ballet. In addition, they plan to give Brad with Shiloh at acting school.
The first experience on set with chips already available - along with his stellar Shiloh's father co-starred in an episode in the film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Loaf. Moreover, the baby has already announced to friends and relatives that she would do the same, "that makes it mommy and daddy."
In Shiloh agreed genes of the two most beautiful actors in Hollywood, so she was born to be a star! Brad and Angie are very interested in how to maintain her interest in acting. However, they feel that they should allow their children to be realized in life as they want for yourself, - have told friends the star couple portal, - They are serious about the task of giving it to the acting school. Shiloh - the most famous child in Hollywood, in addition, she became the first baby, whose image fell into a wax museum Madame Tussauds. She even has its own page on Twitter!