Monday, November 16, 2009

Interview famous French journalist

Interview famous French journalist

During the International Film Festival in Doyvile Brad Pitt interviewed by French journalist Christophe Kombarov. And since Pitt's new movie "The Assassination of Jesse James" was released recently on the big screens of France, this interview was published only now.

Brad says that Angelina is not in the best condition since her mother died. Asked whether he seriously emotionally, is constantly under the gun cameras Pitt says:
"Absolutely! I often get letters from which I had goose bumps on the skin: a threat to me, my wife or children, blackmail commit suicide, but fortunately they write and pleasant words, I'm getting from 1.000 to 2.000 love letters a day. Threatening letters, much less. Our life with Angelina envy and anger in some people, these people are not self-sufficient, they do not have their lives and they are experiencing domestic drama because of our well-being. Every day I pray only that that nothing happened to my family. "

The reporter notes that Angelina is very influenced by him and he responds:
"And to whom it had not affected? She - a woman with extraordinary charisma, it is also very sweet, feminine and at the same time, it is a tremendous inner strength. "

The interviewer asked Angelina if the virus has infected his love for tattoos. Brad laughed and said that he had a tattoo and to meet with her. But he adds:
"She really like my new tattoo. People who understand numerology would have understood its meaning. "

A reporter asked whether she is dedicated to Angelina.
"Yes, but do not make me give away all our little secrets."

A journalist asked why they will not be removed together. Pitt says:
"We receive thousands of proposals, scripts, and of course they would bring us huge sums of money, I understand that our names on the poster can guarantee the success of the film, but now we are concerned about the money the least. Teamwork will only mean that we are both at the same time we are cut off from family. We decided: one works, the other with children. We would not change this rule, since its abandonment could destroy the harmony in our family, and which is so hard to maintain when the slightest step we create hysteria among the photographers. "

What do you like to do in their free time shooting?
Angie and I love to be in motion. We both love to travel and thereby try to make our reputation to work for the benefit of others, to draw public attention to other people, their problems, the nature and the environment, which has never been in such danger as now. Angelina is very important to fight for it all and I fully support it. "

How do you feel about her political positions?
"I am always interested in politics. But when I became a father, I became more than ever before to express their opinion. At home, we often talk about politics. If you only knew how we argue when discussing judicial decisions (laughs). "

How do you assess your personal growth?
"Very high. I do not appreciate and will never put their lives in terms of career. I went through several major phases, one of them - shooting in "The Assassination of Jesse James," you next is fatherhood. I became more serious, deeper. I am very happy with the beautiful harmony in our family. "

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