Monday, November 16, 2009

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will make a star daughter

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will make a star daughter

Shiloh has inherited her mother's father's eyes and lips.
Baby Shiloh will learn in acting school [photo]
Natalia Tuboltseva - 26.08.2009
Angelina and Brad are hoping that the three-year old Shiloh - the first one born (not adopted), their children will follow their footsteps. Already, they recognize that the baby is very artistic and want to see in the future, she also became an actress. Angelina has already recorded a little girl and her older sister, 5-year-old Zahara, on the ballet. In addition, they plan to give Brad with Shiloh at acting school.

The first experience on set with chips already available - along with his stellar Shiloh's father co-starred in an episode in the film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Loaf. Moreover, the baby has already announced to friends and relatives that she would do the same, "that makes it mommy and daddy."

Star couple considers his three-year-old daughter unusually artistic and hope that it will go in their footsteps. Photo: Daily Mail

In Shiloh agreed genes of the two most beautiful actors in Hollywood, so she was born to be a star! Brad and Angie are very interested in how to maintain her interest in acting. However, they feel that they should allow their children to be realized in life as they want for yourself, - have told friends the star couple portal, - They are serious about the task of giving it to the acting school. Shiloh - the most famous child in Hollywood, in addition, she became the first baby, whose image fell into a wax museum Madame Tussauds. She even has its own page on Twitter!
In Shiloh agreed genes of the two most beautiful actors in Hollywood - just a girl born to be a star! Photo: OK!
Mlvdshie child star pair - yearling twins Knox and Vivienne - are still too small to make predictions about their future. But the fact that kids are handsome - no doubt. Photo: Hello

Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie pressed

Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie pressed

Actors, all of which are more like a family of Mormons, well spend time in New Orleans.

On Tuesday, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt as the couple embraced in the Center project to rebuild New Orleans affected by the deadly Hurricane Katrina in 2004. Brad in a hat, white shirt and pants looked like a member of the Church of Jehovah's Witnesses, but still behaved like a normal man. He pressed Angie from the rear and from behind her lead the conversation with the crazed staff the center. He told them that recently donated a large sum, which will suffice for the construction of 90 houses for the victims of the hurricane.
While the adults discussed their problems around the Jolie and Pitt ran their two adopted sons - 7-year-old Maddox and 5-year-old Pax. The latter did not survive the stress of the dramatic changes in their lives - not easy to get used to the fact that you're not poor Vietnamese orphan, and the son of the most sexy couples in Hollywood. Perhaps that is why Pax has not forgotten how to suck his thumb on his right hand.

Jolie is ready to marry Pitt

Jolie is ready to marry Pitt

Well, finally! In an interview with the Italian edition of Vanity Fair, Angelina Jolie admitted that she was ready to marry Brad Pitt. However, she did it in typical fashion, perhaps, perhaps ": According to Angie, and their wedding to Brad may want children - and then they would submit the request of the majority.

"Usually it happens this way: people fall in love, then comes the ritual of marriage, then children are going and all. Everything is exactly the opposite. But sooner or later the children asked us to get married. You know, they are already watching movies and ask questions. Type - and why Shrek and Fiona married and you are not? "

Apparently, Shrek and Fiona, in the end, povilyayut at Brad and Angie.

Another beauty said that with the birth of her children priorities in life have changed significantly. "Children - the main thing for me, so maybe I'll withdraw now much less common. Maybe they will stop altogether career. I have no ambitions, which have been in 20 years. "

Angelina's life, in her words - full of chaos and adventure, so bored at work it prsoto once. "We are with Brad piltiruem airplanes, traveling constantly, sometimes in dangerous hot spots in the world - and we decided that the children will also ride with us. I want them to go through a market in Addis Ababa, without contempt on his face. without thinking. that dirty ugly place. I want them to perceive it as another part of the world and mankind. "

Brad Pitt will play Odysseus

Brad Pitt will play Odysseus

Brad Pitt showered proposals. Warner Bros. wants to see the actor in the "Odyssey", which now writes George Miller, based on the poem by Homer. Sony also wants to get Pitt in his basketball draft "Money ball" / Mobeyball /.

Miller will bring the event "Odyssey" from ancient Greece to the cosmic expanses of the future. Perhaps this decision is motivated by the fact that the screen version of "Iliad" with Pitt in the role of Ahilessa in sandals and a sword at the ready entered the director Wolfgang Petersen is not too good, then at the WB and decided to change the situation. Pitt, presumably, will play Odysseus. Sly hero fought with Achilles under the walls of Troy, and after ten years trying to reach their native shores, where he was a total of twenty years of waiting, fighting off suitors, his faithful wife Penelope.

The basis of "Cash Ball lie documentary opus of Michael Lewis" Money ball: the art of cheating to win. " The book tells the story of coach Billy Bean, who, not having a big budget, together a team on the basis of computer matching of players. David Frankel (The Devil Wears Prada ") will shoot. The script writes Steve Zeylian. Studio hopes that the result will attract the attention of Pitt, to whom the role of sport are more parties of Greek heroes, like enticing or shine under the southern sun, his naked torso.

Angelina Jolie breastfeeding - photoshoot of Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie breastfeeding - photoshoot of Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt published photos of his wife from the family archive in the pages of W Magazine.
Photos of smiling and breastfeeding Angelina Jolie, Brad has made his own. In the hands of the actress twins - Knox and Marcheline. W Magazine has put this picture on the cover.

Pitt made a family photo session immediately after the birth of twins in July this year. I photographed in black & white in a French castle, where they lived in the summer. The pictures Angie talking and laughing with Maddox, hugs her daughter, eats and even hamming.

"I felt comfortable, when Brad shot me. After all, next to me a man who sees in my body and the beauty of motherhood can pass it, "- said the actress told the magazine.

Creative fotouspehi Brad Pitt so inspired him half of what she said she wanted another baby. I spoke about her new film Changeling, which plays a woman whose kidnapped son.

"This is the worst nightmare for any parent!" - Hollywood is horrified mother of six children. "We and Brad love each other, but most importantly - children."

Brad Pitt in films by Quentin Tarantino

Brad Pitt in films by Quentin Tarantino

From the director met the actor at a restaurant in Berlin, where he received his copy of the script.

44-year-old Brad Pitt in the film Inglorious Bastards will play the leader of American-Jewish group of soldiers, which kills the Nazis invaded France during World War II. The film also removed Diane Kruger, Mike Myers, Eli Roth and other celebrities.

Brad Pitt arrived in Berlin with his wife Angelina Jolie and their children. The family will hold in Germany 90 days, which will be needed for filming Quentin Tarantino's new film. The premiere is scheduled for June 2009.

Brandzhelina lives on the estate near Berlin area of 12 thousand square feet, with a platform for the helicopter, boat dock and a few cooks.

Jolie and Pitt were in the Guinness Book of Records

Jolie and Pitt were in the Guinness Book of Records

Guinness World Records 2009 only forthcoming, but some winners of next year, we already know! For example, we definitely can tell you that the most influential actors and actresses found Brad Pitt and his lover Angelina Jolie! On what parameters they selected? First, I assume, how many times Internet users recruited the names of nominees in the search engines, and secondly, how often the aforesaid persons commemorated in the press, and thirdly, how much these people have earned in the past year. And this, of course, not all options ... I would like to write that Angie and Brad were the first anywhere, but this is not true: most people in the past year, Google Britney Spears. But in all other matters Dzholipittam no equal! Congratulations

We also recall that last year the most influential movie stars were named Tom Cruise and Jennifer Aniston.

Dzholipitty gave 2 million for Ethiopian clinic

Dzholipitty gave 2 million for Ethiopian clinic

8f3457eb7c4-2-1.png image by hot143chocolate
Remember, we wrote about the intentions of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in Ethiopia to build a clinic dealing with tuberculosis and AIDS? People said - people did: recently Dzholipitty listed from its collection The Jolie-Pitt foundation in international health committee $ 2 million to build the clinic.

The clinic will be constructed on the basis of already existing in Cambodia Dentskogo Center Chiwan Maddox (Maddox Chivan Children's Center), where children receive the necessary medical, educational and social osbluzhivanie.

"Our goal - to transfer the success we obtained in Cambodia to Ethiopia where people are dying of tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS, and the sick, who can be cured," - said Jolie in a statement. She also stressed that the clinic in Ethiopia will be named in honor of her 3-year-old daughter Zahara - as well as Cambodian clinic was named in honor of her son Maddox. "We hope that when Zahara grows up, she'll take any responsibility for the clinic and continue our mission," - said Brad Pitt.

As already noted, the clinic will not only problems of AIDS, and tuberculosis - from him in Ethiopia die each year 2 million people. Tuberculosis today in terms of mortality is equivalent to AIDS, so the star couple and joined in the clinic, these diseases. "The fact that poor people continue to die from TB - which is treated - only because they have no medicines and appropriate care is simply unacceptable," - said Pitt.

What else left to say? Well done, people!

Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie has dropped again

Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie has dropped again

While Angie in postnatal depression fuss with capricious monthly twins Brad Pitt manages to honor his presence for the second International Film Festival.
Brad Pitt on a small but powerful plane left Marcelle in France to a nine o'clock to land in Canada, where he opened a bearing 33 Film Festival in Toronto. Brad promoutiroval there last film with his participation - Burn After Reading. Just a week ago he predstvavlyal this black comedy from the Coen brothers at the opening of the Venice Film Festival.

After Pete to Canada from Europe vylektel his friend and colleague at the factory of dreams - actor George Clooney, who all summer frequent visitors from Italy. Civilian spouse Pitt - Angelina Jolie was left with the whole brood of Jolie-Pitt family in France.

Rumor has it that Angie savage fatigue and depression after the birth of twins. She - like a real mother can not deviate from them for a minute. Poor eating, little sleep and causes serious concern among physicians. But Brad looks happy, rested and healthy.

In Toronto, he never stops thinking about the family. "What you laugh the most?", - Said one of the reporters at the opening of the festival. "My children," - to answer Pitt.

"All right, all of them are healthy. True, we are not wild enough sleep, but still ok. Right ", - assured Pitt, yawned, and went to number some sleep. And Angie at this time once again awakened by the creaking of twins to feed them in the simplicity times per night.

First photos of the twins of Angelina and Brad

First photos of the twins of Angelina and Brad

American magazine People and British Hello published the first photos of Angelina and Brad's twins, Knox and Vivienne. Special rates of both magazines have appeared on the shelves in Britain and America on August 4. Each magazine has agreed to pay $ 7 million that would have the exclusive right to publish kids.

Until then, it was reported that the French media have bought pictures of babies for 11 million dollars. Proceeds star couple is planning to spend for charitable purposes.
When the pictures appear in Russia Hello! yet specified. In any case, our resource will soon present to you the scans of foreign publications.
According to some reports in the photo session was attended by all members of the family Jolie-Pitt and photos, along with the interview will take entire 19-page magazine.

Recall that a photo of his first biological child movie actors - Shiloh Nouvel, according to unofficial data, the actors People sold for $ 5 million.

Brad Pitt became angry after reading an interview with ex-wife

Brad Pitt became angry after reading an interview with ex-wife

The source reports that Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston after reading an interview in the magazine Vogue, was furious. He was not pleased that the ex-wife has that - it's against Angelina Jolie.

The phrase that Angelina Jolie is accused in the origin of feelings on the set, had angered him most. The journalist Bill Tsvekeru could learn from close sources that the couple Jolie - Pitt was "completely threw" remarks Jennifer Aniston. They thought that Jennifer has long been moving further and do not want to pick at old wounds. Tsveker notes that Pitt lost his temper entirely on banal reason: he touched the woman he loves. But do not forget that when - that another woman he loves, he seriously betrayed.

brad1.jpg image by pinup1950

Walking with daddy

Walking with daddy

August 13, Brad, Zahara, and Brad's parents, Bill and Jane, visited the Museum of Modern Art Maeght Foundation in the French town of Saint-Paul-de-Vence, and then dined at the restaurant La Colombe d'Or.

Interview famous French journalist

Interview famous French journalist

During the International Film Festival in Doyvile Brad Pitt interviewed by French journalist Christophe Kombarov. And since Pitt's new movie "The Assassination of Jesse James" was released recently on the big screens of France, this interview was published only now.

Brad says that Angelina is not in the best condition since her mother died. Asked whether he seriously emotionally, is constantly under the gun cameras Pitt says:
"Absolutely! I often get letters from which I had goose bumps on the skin: a threat to me, my wife or children, blackmail commit suicide, but fortunately they write and pleasant words, I'm getting from 1.000 to 2.000 love letters a day. Threatening letters, much less. Our life with Angelina envy and anger in some people, these people are not self-sufficient, they do not have their lives and they are experiencing domestic drama because of our well-being. Every day I pray only that that nothing happened to my family. "

The reporter notes that Angelina is very influenced by him and he responds:
"And to whom it had not affected? She - a woman with extraordinary charisma, it is also very sweet, feminine and at the same time, it is a tremendous inner strength. "

The interviewer asked Angelina if the virus has infected his love for tattoos. Brad laughed and said that he had a tattoo and to meet with her. But he adds:
"She really like my new tattoo. People who understand numerology would have understood its meaning. "

A reporter asked whether she is dedicated to Angelina.
"Yes, but do not make me give away all our little secrets."

A journalist asked why they will not be removed together. Pitt says:
"We receive thousands of proposals, scripts, and of course they would bring us huge sums of money, I understand that our names on the poster can guarantee the success of the film, but now we are concerned about the money the least. Teamwork will only mean that we are both at the same time we are cut off from family. We decided: one works, the other with children. We would not change this rule, since its abandonment could destroy the harmony in our family, and which is so hard to maintain when the slightest step we create hysteria among the photographers. "

What do you like to do in their free time shooting?
Angie and I love to be in motion. We both love to travel and thereby try to make our reputation to work for the benefit of others, to draw public attention to other people, their problems, the nature and the environment, which has never been in such danger as now. Angelina is very important to fight for it all and I fully support it. "

How do you feel about her political positions?
"I am always interested in politics. But when I became a father, I became more than ever before to express their opinion. At home, we often talk about politics. If you only knew how we argue when discussing judicial decisions (laughs). "

How do you assess your personal growth?
"Very high. I do not appreciate and will never put their lives in terms of career. I went through several major phases, one of them - shooting in "The Assassination of Jesse James," you next is fatherhood. I became more serious, deeper. I am very happy with the beautiful harmony in our family. "

Paparazzi and the protection of the mansion DzholiPittov fought

Paparazzi and the protection of the mansion DzholiPittov fought
August 22, 2008 at 14:02 · Filed under News

French police said that on Thursday (July 24) Two paparazzi, dressed in camouflage fatigues, fought with the guards of the mansion Miraval Hollywood star Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie) and Brad Pitt (Brad Pitt). Both reporter and 2 guards were detained for questioning.

According to police captain Pupo Olivia (Olivia Poupot), and reporters, and security guards have filed a statement accusing the other side of assault and causing bodily harm. Although, according to the captain, a few bruises and scratches are not worth such a commotion. Nevertheless, the guards managed to stock up reports from doctors, exempting them from work for 4 days. But photographers have no evidence obtained "injury" no.

For information about how long the paparazzi were on the estate, the police there. What wrestling too long unknown. But the reason for the appearance of photographers obvious. Not long ago, Jolie returned to the Miraval from the hospital, where were born twins Knox Leon (Knox Leon) and Vivienne Marcheline (Vivienne Marcheline). They are then likely, and tried to photograph the unlucky paparazzi.

Interview for the magazine Hello and People!

Interview for the magazine Hello and People!
August 22, 2008 at 14:15 · Filed under Press

In brackets pieces added from Hello!

For six children, age, which ranges from three weeks to seven years, Chateau Miraval in the French region of Provence, perhaps this is a paradise on earth. Here they can spend days playing hide and seek in the shade of olive trees under a warm sun is ripening grapes and from the Mediterranean Sea in the huge windows of the mansion blows a fresh breeze. Here, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spend this summer enjoying parental care. As already knows the world, recently celebrated the birth of the couple's fifth and sixth children - twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marshelin, they were born July 12 at Lenval hospital in Nice. Of course, the twins met a delegation - older siblings Maddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh, as well as grandparents (Brad's parents - Bill and Jane Pitt). Increased family settled far away from Hollywood. Children spend time outdoors, and parents caring for infants in the stone walls of the mansion. A break in feeding, dressing and changing diapers, stellar pair answered questions from People.

What do you feel when you learned that you will have twins?

A: We were shocked and laughing like crazy.
B: We started this hysteria. My sister joked on twins literally the day before, because she and our grandparents twins. Angie lay on the table during the sonogram, we were in hysterics. We did not expect this turn of events.

And when you see Knox and Vivienne what was your reaction?

B: This thrill is impossible to describe in words.
A: I knew that they were born prematurely, so when I heard their loud cries and saw that they were strong kids, to feel calm.

Why did you choose such names Knox Leon and Vivienne Marshelin?

B: The idea to name her daughter Vivienne came to us early. It was as though she chose this name. It has always been Viv. Marshelin - is in honor of late mother Angie. Knox - a family name, so was my grandfather, and Leon - a classic French name.

Tell us about their characters. What do they like you?

B: I think the nature and Viv looks like Angie. [She is as graceful as her mother], and Knox went more in me. [He likes music like his dad. When he was born he looked like Putin.]

As Maddox feels the role of big brother?

B: This is the fourth and fifth time, when Mad is the elder brother. He has already asked us when there were still children!

And Shiloh liked to be the elder sister?

A: Shiloh calls them her children. They disguised their Zahara, helping to keep. It is so cute, they are like little mom.

You now have six children, probably in the house going on chaos?

A: Fortunately, we are helping Grandma and Grandpa, there is chaos, but we cope and we are able to spend quality time.
B: But still this is loony.

You can sleep?

A: Of course not! The moment when four of the six are asleep - this is the best time to nap.

You have adapted to feeding two children at once?

A: Yes, I feed them every 3 hours. I learned to keep them both, but when I finish my other children usually come and take them on hand. They also help to disguise and bathe them.
B: We are trying to feed them simultaneously to save time, but due to a milk bar formed a crush.

How do you deal with thoughts like "God what we blundered!"?

B: We all support each other.

How do you prepare older children to the birth of twins?

A: They looked cartoon "Dasha - traveler" ( "Dora the Explorer"). Mother Dashi, in a cartoon, the twins - a boy and a girl. They eagerly awaited their appearance.

As the older children noted the emergence of babies?

A: We baked cupcakes to celebrate the birth of Knox and Viv.

Angelina, how motherly qualities have you learned from your late mother, Marshelin?

A: My mother loved to be a mother and gave us to understand that every day several children - is a great happiness for her. I try to give it to their children.

Vivienne give spiritual qualities of your mother?

A: Every time I see or pronounce the full name of Vivien, I am reminded of my mother. I look forward to the day when she asks about my grandmother and I could tell her what an amazing person she was.

As recovery took place after the operation?

A: In the early days it was too heavy, but worked fine with our doctors and thanks to them I quickly got better.

Angelina, the last two weeks you spent in the hospital on bedrest. How do you spend this time?

A: Brad and the children stayed overnight several times a week. Therefore we have not parted for long.

Is it true that during his stay in the clinic, you loved to watch TV series "Dr. Quinn, the woman doctor"?

A: I have never seen this series. I saw the film "War" by Kevin Burns. Hardly me once more be able to find time to watch 15 hours of documentary film.

Brad, what were you observe the caesarean section?

B: This is an absolutely heroic actions.

Is it true that you have resorted to artificial insemination?

A: If they were conceived through IVF, we would be happy to tell about it, but fortunately we never had any problems with fertility.

Angelina, did you have any special preferences to some food during pregnancy?

A: Milk and cheese. It survived until now.

How do you give time to each child?

A: CAN NOT! With six children, it takes all day. We have created a large family, we support each other and we'll get everything.

In matters of discipline, your parenting methods similar to the methods of your parents?

B: To say "Because I said so" - is a great pleasure.

At home, you are talking in French?

A: The best of all French says Mead. His training at 70% is in French.

You try never to work simultaneously?

B: Yes, that family was always together.

Are you planning any humanitarian mission on behalf of your fund Jolie-Pitt foundation?

A: Next trip will be in Asia to study the situation in Burma and Cambodia. Boys are asked to go, so we take them with them when Knox and Viv grow up a bit.

Tell us about the charity you started in Ethiopia in honor of Zahara?

A: We are planning to build a hospital for AIDS patients and HIV in Ethiopia. We want to Zahara led to her when older.

You both wanted a big family?

A: This is one reason why we are together.
B: I've always said that if I had a family, it will be great.

[You said that all children are equal to you. You are not afraid that you have great feelings for the biological children?

A: Each of our children is unique and is special for us. Whether it is biological or adoptive.

France will pay a large family allowance Jolie and Pitt

France will pay a large family allowance Jolie and Pitt
August 25, 2008 at 15:39 · Filed under News

The French authorities have decided to pay a large family of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's monthly allowance for child care. The amount of the social package will amount to 1400 pounds or 2800 dollars, reported The Telegraph.

This decision of the authorities attributed to the fact that immediately after crossing the Hollywood stars and their children are officially registered in France. In this regard, all members of the family Jolie and Pitt are entitled to full medical and social insurance, which includes the appropriate manual.

According to the newspaper, the couple, who earn millions of dollars, are unlikely to accept such generous assistance of the French state. However, for the authorities is an excellent occasion to promote universal access to social benefits for children, not related to parental income.

Recall that the completion of a family of star pair occurred on July 12, when Jolie gave birth to twins named Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. Thus, to the three adopted children - six-year Maddox from Cambodia, Pax from Vietnam four years, three-year Zahara from Ethiopia, as well as biological daughter Shiloh Nouvel actors - joined by two more.

Shortly before the birth of twins all the family moved to France in the estate of Chateau Miraval, in the department of Var. The house, rent by the stars in the cost of $ 1 million annually - 35 bedrooms, 2 helipads, swimming pool, sports complex, and even its own vineyard.

Brad Pitt and George Clooney arrived in Venice

Brad Pitt and George Clooney arrived in Venice
August 28, 2008 at 12:49 · Filed under News

Arrived in Venice, Brad Pitt and George Clooney. Tonight they will be there to represent the satire the Coen brothers' "Burn After Reading," which had the honor to open the 65 th Venice Film Festival. Pitt and Clooney play a tape of the two, in their own words, idiots who accidentally falls into the hands of the disk with secret recordings CIA agent.

Land on the Lido, and Russia's landing. In the main competition with twenty other bands will compete "Paper Soldier" Alexis Herman, Jr.. The main hero of the tape became a doctor in the performance Merab Ninidze. Events taking place ribbon in 1961 in Baikonur, where he prepares the squad the first cosmonauts, deciding along the way and their personal problems. Outside of the competition show "Wild field" Michael Kalatozishvili - "Ethnographic Action of Kazakh life, incidentally, also a doctor in the main characters. To judge the main program, among other members of the jury, headed this year's American Wim Wenders, will be our illustrious writer Yuri Arabs. And what is especially nice, Kseniya Rappoport, loved by the Italian nation, after "Stranger," will hold the opening and closing ceremonies.

For the 65 th edition of the Festival Marco Mueller and his team have looked around 3000 thousand films selected in the program 55 of them. Americans this year grieve because they represented at the present Mostro so big, as usual, and blame the damned writers' strike.

But there is no reason to get upset at the Japanese: in the competition were three of their tapes. They took one game and two animated film produced by eminent nowhere

Brad Pitt officially "inglorious bastard"

Brad Pitt officially "inglorious bastard"
August 28, 2008 at 13:12 · Filed under Casting

Brad Pitt officially signed on the "inglorious bastards" by Quentin Tarantino. Nastassja Kinski is also considering a proposal to play a German film star in the drama, the events which will take place during WWII.

Also proposal to play in the film considering Simon Pegg, BJ Novak and David Kramholts.

Most of the conversations in the film is in French and German, though Pitt will play the leader of the team of seven American Jews, which must be put across one in the rear of the Nazis, will speak in English.

Tarantino plans to start filming in October and complete the work on the film - for the next Cannes Film Festival.

Venice film festival: Burn after watching

Venice film festival: Burn after watching
August 31, 2008 at 9:08 · Filed under News

Brad Pitt, George Clooney and the kings of black humor with a new Coen brothers comedy Burn After Reading opens today 65-th International Film Festival in Venice.

Joel and Ethan Coen, working in the firm and distinctive dramatic-comedy style, brought to Venice after his new masterpiece of Oscar-winning bloody ribbons No place elderly.

In the film, Burn After Reading, they rounded up a bed of Hollywood: Brad Pitt, George Clooney, John Malkovich, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton and Richard Jenkins. Malkovich inherited the role of CIA agent who accidentally lost the folder with top secret materials. Daddy fell into the hands of two idiots (one of whom is played by Pitt), working in the gym. In its short-sighted head coach decided to blackmail pierced agent. But no one involved in this history of the parties did not imagine that all of them waiting.

Ipolniteli major role George Clooney and Brad Pitt arrived on the island of Lido, where the Venice film festival, the first of the world famous stars. Inveterate bachelor Clooney, as usual, flirting with the journalist, and Pitt, as a decent father, did not leave their children. He left Angelina Jolie with newborn twins and two daughters in France, and took with him to Venice sons Maddox and Pax. However, to part with them, Pitt, after all, had, when the actor along with his friend and colleague of Humanitarian Affairs, George Clooney went to the gala reception charity Not On Our Watch. In the work of the organization involved almost all of Ocean's Eleven, including Matt Damon and Don Cheadle. They are trying to help victims of humanitarian disasters around the world, in particular, people oppressed by the war in Darfur.

Jury is headed by German director Wim Wenders. Among the celebrities at the fest are waiting for the arrival of Natalie Portman (she will contest shorts), Charlize Theron and Kim Basinger (they will present the film with his participation in the Prairie Fire), Takeshi Kitano and other celebrities. It is possible that at the Lido peep and Mickey Rourke, who played a major role in the movie Darren Aronofsky Wrestler.

For the Golden Lion in the program Mostro will fight 21 films, including film Achilles and the Tortoise Takeshi Kitano and fighter Darren Aronofsky. Outside of the contest will show about 40 films. In the main program were also two animated, both Japanese: Sky Crawlers Mamoru Oshii (the author of the cult Ghost in the Shell) and Hayao Miyazaki's Ponyo Fish, winner of an Oscar, a Golden Bear in Berlin and Venice's Golden Lion.

Total during the Venice festival will be held 49 world premieres. Festival will end on September 6.

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